Owner of a Quality Management System certified by APCER according to the NP EN standard ISO 9001:2015Atlântida Viagens e Turismo, S.A., through its brand Atlântida Wta Viagens, dedicates very special attention to the detection, accountability and timely correction of any irregularities that may occur within the organization as well as situations involving the suppliers contracted to provide the service provided.

In order to implement successive improvements in our services, we encourage our clients to register, in writing, their complaints and/or suggestions emphasizing that, according to the law regulating the activity of travel agencies, they will have 30 days to do so after the end of the trip/stay.

You can get us your exposure through:



Atlântida Wta, as an associate member of APAVT, is a member of the Client's Ombudsman and advises its clients, should they see the need to submit any complaint, to send the exhibition by letter or e-mail to the following address:

Client's Ombudsman, Rua Duque Palmela, 2 - 1º Dtº 1250-098 Lisboa
Tel: 213 553 010 Fax: 213 145 080
e-mail: provedor@provedorapavt.com

The Client's Ombudsman is an exempt entity that analyses and decides complaints based on the facts presented and duly framed in the law that regulates the activity of travel agencies.


Available in all shops for registration of complaints that will be analyzed by Tourism of Portugal.


Atlântida WTA Viagens identifies, defines, ensures and implements a Quality Policy in accordance with what is defined in this Manual, with the motto of involving its employees in order to achieve the goals and objectives it sets itself in strategic terms.

Atlântida WTA is dedicated to providing services in the areas of promotion and commercialisation of travel and other related services, for both business and leisure purposes, individually or integrated into global multi-service packages. In order to achieve this goal, we operate according to the following guiding principles:

1. Perception of Quality: The quality of our services is defined by the perception of our clients and other stakeholders. Therefore, understanding and meeting the needs and expectations of these parties by fulfilling their requirements, both expressed and implied, is an essential responsibility of all Atlântida WTA employees.

2. Commitment to Excellence: All our commitments, attitudes and services are recognised as expressions of quality. We adopt a proactive stance to anticipate problems, rather than just detecting and correcting them after they occur, which reflects our commitment to continuous and sustained improvement of our work processes. We are committed to complying with all legal and regulatory standards applicable to our activity.

3. Essential Objective: Our main objective is to continue to operate sustainably as a competitive and successful group of companies. This is determined by the quality and dedication of our employees, the effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility of our organisation, our ability to satisfy and retain customers, the ability to establish stable and lasting relationships with suppliers and partners, and an active commitment to quality on the part of every company and every employee.

Atlântida WTA adopts a stance of understanding, empathy, justice and co-operation, committing itself to promoting the integration and active participation of all, fighting for social justice and guaranteeing gender equality, opportunities and non-discrimination on the grounds of disability, ethnic origin, religion, belief, region, age or sexual orientation.