Avenida Conde Valbom Nº 30 | 7º andar
1050-066 Lisboa
Tel. (+351) 217 228 210 – Calling the national fixed network
General e-mail: lisboa@atlantidawta.com
E-mail Lazer Lisboa: lazer@atlantidawta.com
Lake Towers, Edif. D, Rua Daciano Baptista Marques, N. 245 - 2nd Floor
4400-617 V.N de Gaia
Tel (+351) 217 228 210 – Calling the national fixed network
Email: porto@atlantidawta.com
Financial City, Shop 22/Office B04-101, Talatona, Luanda Sul
Tel (+244) 923 167 380
Email: luanda@atlantidawta.com
Rua Engrácia Fragoso, N. 61 - Loja 1, Edificio Kalunga Atrium, Luanda
Tel (+244) 923 167 390
Email: luanda@atlantidawta.com
International - T. +244 929 624 550
Domestic - T. +244 941 367 711
In order to help you with any urgent matters related to your trip, we can help you with an Out-of-Hours Assistance Service.
This is only available when our offices are closed.
Details of Out-of-Hours Assistance Contacts:
Filipe Moreira | filipemoreira@atlantidawta.com | Tlm. and Whatsapp: +351 967 818 328
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(Mon - Fri / 09:00 - 18:00)
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